Certified Coherence Therapist


 Barbara Gabriel    The Work

Certified Coherence Therapist by: Coherence Psychology Institute: CoherenceTherapy.org

Coherence Therapy (CT) (previously known as Depth Oriented Brief Therapy) is a unified set of methods and concepts for individual, couple and family therapy that fosters profound change. CT is focused on guiding clients to get in touch with hidden core areas of meaning and feeling that are generating the presenting symptoms or problems. CT greatly streamlines therapy by integrating and applying well established psychotherapeutic principles and processes in focused contemporary ways, zeroing in on specific, emotional and unconscious themes and schema’s maintaining symptoms and problems. CT fosters deep lasting shifts, dispelling symptoms at their emotional roots. This efficient process of discovery and change allows for prompt and permanent transformation. Depression, anxiety, self esteem, communication, addictions, eating disorders, sexual and relationship issues lend themselves to this efficient work.